Congratulations on Your Commitment!
November 2023

In fact, our Rotary Club of Saskatoon now has the distinction of 100% of its members being Paul Harris Fellows. Congratulations for your commitment!
Click to read more about the Paul Harris Fellow award and its roll in Rotary International's work
On November 27, the Rotary Club of Saskatoon held its Rotary Foundation Dinner, an event that the club has not held since prior to covid.
The Rotary Foundation is a non-profit corporation that supports the efforts of Rotary International to achieve world understanding and peace through international humanitarian, educational, and cultural exchange programs. It is supported solely by voluntary contributions.
The Paul Harris Fellow program recognizes individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 USD to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International.
At our dinner, two club members, Don Lepp and Denise Palmer, were recognized for their contributions to the Rotary Foundation which resulted in them being awarded a Paul Harris Fellow.
As well, four other club members were recognized for their contributions qualifying them for additional Paul Harris recognition: Elaine Zakreski PHF+1, Graham Pearson PHF+4, Mark Gryba PHF+4, and Paul Gauthier PHF+6.
The Rotary Club of Saskatoon now has the distinction of 100% of its members being Paul Harris Fellows. Congratulations for your commitment!