January 9, 2023
Meeting held at the Saskatoon Club with a Zoom component.
14 members and one guest were present, and 3 members attended on Zoom.
Steve Wilson chaired the meeting.
Members sang ‘O’ Canada. Gary Rusu gave the blessing. Avis Hardy was greeter and introduced our one guest, Earle Newton, from the North Club.
Wayne Palmer was the cashier. Paul Gauthier was responsible for technology.
- $20H Gary Rusu. for the volunteers who helped served Christmas Lunch at the Friendship Inn on Christmas Day.
- $200H Graham Pearson for a nice Christmas Eve with family at Big White.
- $25H Elaine Zakreski for the opportunity to go on an Amazon Cruise and then on to Maui. $25S because she will miss all of us for the two months that she is gone.
President Steve announced that the next Board Meeting is on Wednesday, January 18 at 4 pm at the Saskatoon Club.
Our next meeting on January 23 is our AGM.
Jim Weber stated that all the sponsorships have been completed for the Becas Program. He also introduced the idea of holding another raffle with a 50/50 component and was wondering which members would be willing to assist with planning the raffle. Please contact Jim if you can help.
GROCERY CARDS are available from Donna.
No report.
Presenters Maureen Torr and Earle Newton spoke about Globe Grant Application and their success in receiving one after three years of working on it.
The Global Grant is complete for the projects in Uganda and has been fully reported. All five Rotary Clubs participated in the beginning, each donating $2,000, so the seed money was $10,000 and then an additional $72, 000 was raised.
The following projects have been completed: an operational well, washrooms, and a kitchen. These projects have benefited 1,532 people (300 families).
There were key people involved in these projects including local rotary clubs and rotations, one who is an engineer. A key official who played a major role is Rebecca Mendoza.
Maureen and Earle asked the Club if they would be interested in starting a new project on the other side of Uganda or build a hospital and/or a vocational training centre at the original site. There was support from the membership for Maureen to investigate if there was enough support from other clubs to build at the original site.
President Steven thanked Maureen and Earle for their presentation and the usual donation will be given to the Salvation Army Bethany Home on behalf of their presentation.
A message from Maureen and a copy of the PowerPoint presentation was sent out to members following the meeting.
- reported by Steve Wilson and Avis Hardy
Next meeting January 23, 2023 – AGM.